
Paul and Jesus: The True Story is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many people today have a negative view of Paul. He is accused of not being a faithful follower of Jesus because of his failure to refer much to Christ’s early life and teaching in his letters. He is seen as a freelance who did his own thing with the Christian faith, changing Jesus’ good ideas and introducing bad ones, especially about women and sex. He is also often thought to be arrogant and...

had contacts in high places; interestingly he helps Paul (Acts 23:16). Some people have wondered if Paul was married and then widowed or divorced, perhaps when he was converted; but, although some Christians in the second or third centuries believed him to have been married (probably misunderstanding ‘true yokefellow’ in Philippians 4:3: cf. Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis III.vi.53; Ignatius, Philadelphiaus 4.4 or 44), there is no hard evidence for this. It is true that Jewish men would normally
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